A test recommended for people with anxiety, depression, poor stress coping abilities or mental illness. This test identifies what is
believed to be a genetic, metabolic condition that is treatable with simple, vitamin supplementation, and can impact symptoms of mental
health imbalance.
Common pyrrole symptoms:
- Poor stress tolerance
- Chronic fatigue
- Poor dream recall
- Stretch marks
- Abdominal pains or ‘stitches’
- White spots on the nails
- Pale skin/difficulty tanning
- Tendency to anxiety
- Mid-morning nausea or difficulty eating breakfast
- Constipation
- Explosive anger
- Depression/anxiety
- Light/sound/odour intolerance
Children are often easier to diagnose with the most common symptoms being anxiety, always being the first to react to stress, many or
peculiar fears, sensory processing disorders, delayed puberty, learning difficulties or spectrum disorders.
Your Naturopath will be able to test and monitor your health and symptoms with this urine test.
Cost approximately $100.